Launch of an international artist residency prize on the theme of environmental sciences at Science Gallery Venice

The Didier and Martine Primat Foundation is pleased to announce its support for a new series of artist residencies and productions in the field of Art and Environmental Sciences, in partnership with Science Gallery Venice and the Ca’ Foscari University, under the direction of internationally-renowned curator Ariane Koek.

The new prize is entitled ‘Earth, Water, Sky’ and the call for applications is now open. Awarded by Science Gallery Venice, the aim is to recognise artistic creativity around the major environmental issues of the 21st century.

In the first year, the winning artist will enter into a dialogue with Professor Carlo Barbante of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and his team on the Ice Memory project, with a view to creating an emblematic work representing their exchanges. Ice Memory, also supported by the Didier and Martine Primat Foundation, aims to create a library of ice cores from endangered glaciers in order to archive the scientific data they contain, to be stored in the Antarctic for the science of the future.

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Launch of a new series of art commissions in the field of ‘Arts, Science and Nature’

The Didier & Martine Primat Foundation and its ‘Odonata’ fund are pleased to announce their new philanthropic partnership agreement with the CERN & Société Foundation and Arts at CERN for the launch of a new series of art commissions in the field of ‘Arts, Science and Nature’.

The aim of the ‘Arts, Science and Nature’ series is to fund the production of symbolic works reflecting on Nature in its broadest sense, based on a dialogue set up between artists in residence and scientists at CERN.

Arts at CERN creates new ways for artists and scientists to exchange views, examines the connection between art and science and encourages artistic curiosity and creativity in the world of primary research.

Photo credit: “micro macro”, Ryoji Ikeda, 2014. Collide International artists 2014

Introduction to the CERN & Society Foundation

The CERN & Society Foundation was established in 2014. Its purpose is to promote and support the dissemination of the positive contribution of CERN’s activities to the widest possible audience, through education, public communication and sharing innovation and knowledge, as well as through culture and the arts. It also supports and promotes the development of the Globe of Science and Innovation, particularly in its use as a venue for scientific exhibitions, conferences, meetings and debates open to large audiences. For more information, go to

CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, is one of the biggest and most prestigious scientific laboratories in the world. Its work focuses on fundamental physics and discovering the constituents and laws of the Universe. CERN uses highly complex scientific instruments to test the ultimate constituents of matter: basic particles. By studying what happens when these particles collide, physicists can grasp the laws of Nature.

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Press release from TEDxCERN/Didier and Martine Primat Foundation

The Didier & Martine Primat Foundation is pleased to announce its support for the CERN & Société Foundation and the fifth TEDxCERN event entitled ‘The Elephant in the Room’, taking place in Geneva on 20 November 2018.

As the name suggests, the conference will focus on the important but overlooked ethical problems that new technologies pose for humanity, and the changes that are taking place in society. The programme includes research into exoplanets, biotechnology and genomics, artificial intelligence and robotics, fake news and data confidentiality, and environmental challenges in the Anthropocene era.

The event will be webcast live across the world on the TEDxCERN homepage and the CERN homepage.

Photo credit: Maximilien Brice/CERN

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Beyond Plastic Med launches its third call for micro-initiatives

Beyond Plastic Med (BeMed) launches its third call for micro-initiatives to support projects aimed at reducing plastic pollution in the Mediterranean.

The call is open until Saturday 5 January 2019 to the following types of organisation: NGOs, regional authorities, private companies with less than 20 employees, and scientific institutions. The initiative, supported by the Didier and Martine Primat Foundation, is being carried out through the Albert II Foundation of Monaco in collaboration with Tara Expeditions, Surfrider Europe, IUCN and the Mava Foundation.

For more information on the call for micro-initiatives and to download the application package, please go to the BEMED website.

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Fondation Didier et Martine Primat - Vivre ensemble de manière responsable et durable

A study on initiatives to combat plastic pollution in the oceans

The Didier and Martine Primat Foundation have commissioned Elisabeth Losasso, a consultant in sustainability, environmental policy and advocacy, to carry out a study on initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution in the oceans.

The public version of the study report, available to read here in English, identifies some of the key stakeholders, initiatives and solutions developed around the world to combat this disaster for the environment and for our health.

We hope you enjoy reading it.

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Fondation Didier et Martine Primat - Vivre ensemble de manière responsable et durable

The Foundation joins the circle of major sponsors of the international “Ice Memory” initiative

Early in 2018, the Primat Foundation responded to an appeal from the Grenoble Alpes University Foundation, joining the circle of major sponsors of the Ice Memory initiative. This international programme aims to protect the memory of glaciers by organising ice-core expeditions to collect and preserve scientific information in the locations that are most affected by climate change. Following expeditions to the Col du Dôme glacier in the French Alps in August 2016 and the Illimani glacier in the Bolivian Andes in June 2017, operations continued this year on Mount Elbrus and Mount Belukha in Russia.

True to its values of transmission and responsibility towards future generations, the Primat Foundation has committed its support for 3 years. It has contributed in particular to international core drilling operations on glaciers, the establishment of a database for researchers now and in the future, and finally the construction of a sanctuary in Antarctica where this irreplaceable glacial heritage will be archived.

Watch the video presentation of the Ice Memory project (in French):

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Fondation Didier et Martine Primat - Vivre ensemble de manière responsable et durable

“Tribu/s du Monde” (Tribes of the World) Exhibition

26 MAY – 30 SEPTEMBER 2018

Photographer Anne de Vandière presents Tribu/s du Monde, with her photographs of hands and gestures. An intimate, unique account of the last “Sentinels of the Earth” who are under threat from the way the world is changing.

De Vandière’s installation alerts us to the fragile and precarious situation of these peoples, while demonstrating their extraordinary wealth of knowledge and the importance of their philosophy based on transmission and respect for Mother Earth.

Placed under the patronage of UNESCO, the exhibition is being held in Brest at the Ateliers des Capucins, passage des Arpètes, from 26 May to 30 September 2018.

A project supported by the Didier and Martine Primat Foundation.

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Fondation Didier et Martine Primat - Vivre ensemble de manière responsable et durable

Beyond Plastic Med

In 2018, the Didier and Martine Primat Foundation joined the Beyond Plastic Med initiative (BeMed), aiming to combat plastic pollution in the Mediterranean by awarding annual grants to local activists who are coming up with effective, sustainable solutions.

A joint initiative with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Mava Foundation, Tara Expeditions and Surfrider Foundation Europe, BeMed also aims to bring together the main stakeholders in the plastics industry (including manufacturers, regional authority representatives, scientists and civic society) to commit to taking concrete action against the proliferation of plastic waste in the Mediterranean.

Download the Beyond Plastic Med diagnostic on pollution in the Mediterranean (in French)

Download the Beyond Plastic Med call for micro-initiatives (in French)

Download Beyond Plastic Med’s goals (in English)

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