Fondation Didier et Martine Primat - Vivre ensemble de manière responsable et durable

The Foundation joins the circle of major sponsors of the international “Ice Memory” initiative

Early in 2018, the Primat Foundation responded to an appeal from the Grenoble Alpes University Foundation, joining the circle of major sponsors of the Ice Memory initiative. This international programme aims to protect the memory of glaciers by organising ice-core expeditions to collect and preserve scientific information in the locations that are most affected by climate change. Following expeditions to the Col du Dôme glacier in the French Alps in August 2016 and the Illimani glacier in the Bolivian Andes in June 2017, operations continued this year on Mount Elbrus and Mount Belukha in Russia.

True to its values of transmission and responsibility towards future generations, the Primat Foundation has committed its support for 3 years. It has contributed in particular to international core drilling operations on glaciers, the establishment of a database for researchers now and in the future, and finally the construction of a sanctuary in Antarctica where this irreplaceable glacial heritage will be archived.

Watch the video presentation of the Ice Memory project (in French):

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