We are pleased to announce that underwater artist Emma Critchley (UK) is the first winner of the three-year Earth Water Sky residency programme hosted by Science Gallery Venice and Ca’ Foscari University.
The jury awarded the prize to Emma Critchley for ‘the originality and beauty’ of her proposed project which in the words of Professor Carlo Barbante was the most evocative of the Ice Memory project which he leads at Ca Foscari University of Venice.
Emma Critchley’s proposal also crucially matched Science Gallery Venice’s mission to connect, participate and surprise.
Her selection by the jury shows the pioneering spirit of Science Gallery Venice’s wish to work with science and art in innovative and unexpected ways to draw attention to Global Challenges.
Both Professor Michele Bugliesi, Rector of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and Science Gallery Venice’s Director Anna Puccio, consider the residency programme a true added value to the developing Venetian Science Gallery.
This choice is also fully aligned with the ethics of the funder of the residency, the Didier and Martine Primat’s Foundation, whose mandate is to “empower scientists, philosophers and artists to advocate for a more conscious and sustainable way of life.”
There were nearly 150 entrants for the first Science Gallery Venice Earth Water Sky open call from 32 countries around the world. This 3-year programme is under the direction of internationally-renowned curator Ariane Koek.
For more about Emma Critchley’s work please see her website http://emmacritchley.com
For more about Ice Memory please click here
Ice Memory, also supported by the Didier and Martine Primat Foundation, is an international project aiming to create a library of ice cores from endangered glaciers in order to save the scientific data they contain and store this invaluable information in the Antarctic for the science of the future.