The way we consume energy is releasing too much CO2 into the atmosphere, putting our planet at risk.
What sets this programme apart is that pupils are quick to take action and make real improvements to climate protection. By working together to calculate their own carbon footprint and those of their class and school, pupils become aware of their contribution to global warming and together identify the main sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in their schools. The pupils then carry out concrete projects to improve their personal impact or that of their school, for example by changing their habits or reducing the energy consumption of their buildings.
EcoLive is aiming to achieve an eCO2profile with 150 classes per year in French-speaking Switzerland. This represents around 3,000 pupils involved in climate protection, as well as around 35 schools in possession of their GHG (greenhouse gas) balance sheet.
eCO2profil is an innovative and dynamic approach to climate protection education aimed at young people aged 14 to 19 as part of their schooling. By calculating their own carbon footprint, as well as those of their class and school, pupils become aware of their contribution to global warming and work together to identify their school’s main sources of greenhouse gases. The pupils then carry out concrete projects to improve their personal impact, or that of their school, by changing their habits or reducing the energy consumption of their buildings.
Stage 1: Immersion in the climate and GHG emissions calculation context; collecting individual data with an ecoLive association representative
Stage 2: Collecting global data specific to the establishment
Step 3: Analyse the plausibility of the data and design the documents
Step 4: Analyse data and seek solutions
Step 5: Carry out projects –
Stage 6: Selection of the best projects with a prize of between CHF 800 and CHF 1,500

ecoLive association is a non-profit organisation founded in January 2017, to pursue the following aims:
To discover and encourage the adoption of responsible behaviour in relation to the environment, climate and natural resources.
To develop and promote practices that integrate the principles of sustainable development, taking into consideration the needs of users, strong requirements in terms of environmental, climate and resource protection and the reduction of the overall societal and economic costs of products and services.
Stimulate the development of responsible good practice in the design, production, marketing, purchasing, distribution, use and disposal of goods and services.
Develop and disseminate intellectual or technical tools and organise events and meetings to facilitate the implementation of the above objectives.
To create and disseminate teaching materials on the implementation of sustainable development for schools and training centres.